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Early fall is 'spider season' in Seattle, but don't be afraid, experts say

By Callie Craighead, SeattlePI

Orb weaver spider on a web.

Orb weaver spider on a web.

Steve Satushek/Getty Images

If you've noticed copious amounts of spider webs decorating your railings, mail boxes and windows when venturing outside recently, you're not alone.


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Early fall is Seattle's so-called "spider season" when two species, the European orb weaver and giant house spider, reach maturity and are at their biggest in size.

And while they make for excellent decorations as Halloween approaches, these spiders are actually looking for a mate this time of year which is why they are more visible. Both species are non-native to the Pacific Northwest, and both are — though hard for arachnophobes to believe — completely harmless.

In fact, the Washington Department of Health only lists two spiders of any "medical significance" to humans: the black widow and yellow sac spider.


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Rod Crawford, the curator of arachnids at the University of Washington’s Burke Museum, dispelled some common myths about Seattle's spiders and said it is very unlikely for a person to actually be bitten by a spider. In his entire career handling and studying spiders, Crawford has only been bitten three times.

"A spider has no possible way of telling that you are a living creature," Crawford said. "If a spider walks across you, you are just part of the ground."

The mottled brown and white spiders you are seeing outside in intricate webs are likely male orb spiders seeking a mate. After mating, the larger female orb spider will usually kill and eat the male.

The dark brown spiders seen indoors are likely giant house spiders, which can grow to 4 inches in size. They too are looking for mates at this time of year. Crawford said around 25 to 30 species live in Seattle. While terrifying in size, these spiders don't pose a threat to humans. They are one of the faster species, making them hard to catch.


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While terrifyingly large, giant house spiders don't pose a threat to humans.

While terrifyingly large, giant house spiders don't pose a threat to humans.

Wolynskiy/Getty Images/iStockphoto

And while you may be tempted to put these spiders outside with the old cup and paper trick, doing so will actually kill it. If you are feeling kind enough, the best thing you can do for these eight-legged guests is relocate them to your garage.

There, out of your sight, the giant house spiders can continue to eat pesky bugs such as flies, mosquitoes and moths in peace, doing your home an invaluable service.

"In any case, house spiders are mostly harmless and beneficial. Human property rights mean nothing to other species," Crawford wrote on his website. "There was spider habitat for millions of years where your home is now. My advice is, 'just wave as they go by.'"


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Callie is a web producer for the SeattlePI focusing on local politics, transportation, real estate and restaurants. She previously worked at a craft beer e-commerce company and loves exploring Seattle's breweries. Her writing has been featured in Seattle magazine and the Seattle University Spectator, where she served as a student journalist.