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5 ways parents can support children, teachers and schools during cold and flu season


(BPT) - Kids of all ages are enjoying their time in the classroom, learning and socializing in person again. While the focus is on making friends and growing their skills, they also might be picking up a few less desirable things, like germs. Cold and flu season is upon us, but parents can take steps so kids can feel their best and don't have to miss school due to illness.

"It’s so important to my husband Sean and me that our children are in the classroom to learn, grow and thrive," said Catherine Giudici Lowe, graphic designer, reality show star and mom of three. "We are still learning how to best support them during this exciting life chapter and we’re practicing different tips to help our children stay healthy and have a successful school year."

Her top tips for helping keep children, educators and schools thriving throughout cold and flu season include:

Encourage healthy habits every day

Through the peak of the pandemic, your family probably focused on healthy habits like washing their hands, covering their coughs and sneezes, and throwing out used tissues. These tips are ingrained in your household, but continue to remind your children that they still need to follow these best practices while in school. Teachers and classmates will appreciate it during peak cold and flu season!

Make handwashing a set routine

If your son or daughter takes the bus to and from school, they are exposed to a host of germs on public transportation. Encourage your children to wash their hands as soon as they get to school. Additionally, to help prevent the spread of illness-causing germs in the home, make handwashing with soap after school a house rule.

Help teachers

It is no surprise that teachers often use their own money and resources when schools cannot meet classroom needs. While at the start of the year classrooms may be stocked with tissues, paper towels and sanitary supplies, these items run out quickly. Be proactive and show your teacher a little love by checking in to see how you can help refresh classroom supplies throughout the year.

Disinfect surfaces around the house

To help prevent the spread of illness-causing germs in school and at home, clean and disinfect kids' school supplies like backpacks and lunchboxes, as well as surfaces the kids touch after they return from school. Lysol Disinfecting Wipes and Disinfecting Spray are a convenient way to disinfect school items and surfaces. Check out for more resources and tips for parents during cold and flu season.

Apply for free wipes for your school

Of course, disinfecting supplies are also great for teachers to use in the classroom. Lysol partners with Frontline Impact Project, which allows teachers who apply to receive free disinfecting supplies for their classroom. Teachers can learn more at

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