24 items every Seattleite needs to survive in the Emerald City

Seattle is a city of ever-damp lawns, snow-fearing locals and coffee-conscious techies. But more than just about anything, Seattle is a city of growth.

The Emerald City nabbed the number two spot out of the 50 largest U.S. cities when it came to fastest-growing population in 2018, just behind Fort Worth, Texas, according to recent census data. In the same year, Seattle's population grew by more than 15,000.

So despite a Seattle chill while making friends around the block, we are here for you, dear transplant, newbie, and California sun-lover embarking on a cloud-covered hideaway.

You are not the only one confused by a lack of umbrellas, by the multitude of different colored garbage bins at the end of your driveway, by your coworker ditching the button down for a jersey on Fridays. You are not the only one desperate for a bit of sunlight, unsure of whether or not to bring your jacket before heading out the door (bring your jacket!) and surprised by how quickly coffee grinds fly off of grocery store shelves.

Scroll down for all the items to nab this winter and declare yourself an official Seattleite.