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16 items every Seattleite needs to survive in the Emerald City

By Christina Ausley, SeattlePI

Keep clicking through the slideshow for all the Seattle must-haves to live your best life in the Emerald City. >>>

Keep clicking through the slideshow for all the Seattle must-haves to live your best life in the Emerald City. >>>

Donald Miralle/Getty Images for Rock'n'Roll Mar

Rain patters on busy city streets below a lingering blanket of fog. Seattleites hustle from their homes to the office alongside squealing busses, every breed of dog imaginable to humankind sporting raincoats, and puddle-splashing boots.


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Seattle is a city of ever-damp lawns, snow-fearing locals, and coffee-conscious techies. But more than just about anything, Seattle is a city of growth.

The city nabbed the number two spot out of the 50 largest U.S. cities when it came to fastest-growing population in 2018, just behind Fort Worth, Texas, according to recent census data.

In the same year, Seattle’s population grew by more than 15,000.


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So despite a Seattle chill while making friends around the block, we are here for you, dear transplant, newbie, and California sun-lover embarking on a cloud-covered hideaway from income tax.

You are not the only one confused by a lack of umbrellas, by the multitude of different colored garbage bins at the end of your driveway, by your coworker ditching the button-down for a jersey on Fridays. You are not the only one desperate for a bit of sunlight, unsure of whether or not to bring your jacket before heading out the door (bring your jacket,) and surprised by how quickly coffee grinds fly off of grocery store shelves.

So, we’ve comprised a basic shopping list to survive the trials and tribulations of the city’s weather. We’ve curated a guide to fashion (both on the street and in the stadium,) and a complete check list of goods sure to ease your move to the city.


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Click through the slideshow above for 16 must-haves to survive the Emerald City. Don’t be offended by honking car horns, don’t be afraid to drop a couple dollars on grocery bags to evade a constant 5-cent battle with your bagger, and please, no matter what, do not bust out your umbrella on busy sidewalks.

Christina is an editorial assistant focusing on food, travel and lifestyle writing for the SeattlePI. She's originally from the bluegrass of Louisville, Kentucky, and earned degrees in journalism and psychology from the University of Alabama, alongside a full-stack web development certification from the University of Washington. By her previous experience writing for food and travel publications in London, England, Christina is extremely passionate about food, culture, and travel. If she's not on the phone with a local chef, she's likely learning how to fly airplanes, training for a marathon, backpacking the Pacific Crest Trail or singing along at a nearby concert.